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Mafalde Egg
Egg pasta
100% Italian wheat
250 gr. gr. package

Cooking time

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durum wheat semolina

Semola di grano duro, uova 33%. Contiene glutine, uova. Può contenere tracce di molluschi, soia e senape.
Logistical information
Weight 250 gr. gr.
Pieces per box 16
Boxes per layer 6
Boxes per pallet 42
Code PU0090

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Mafalde to the "beautiful woman"

Preparation Time

Ingredients for
Mafalde all'uovo 250 g
olio extravergine d'oliva 2 cucchiai
acciughe dissalate pestate a poltiglia in un mortaio 4
aglio 1/2 spicchio
olive nere snocciolate e affettate 100 g
capperi salati lavati e tritati grossolanamente 1 cucchiaio
pomodori datterini tagliati a filettini 600 g
prezzemolo tritato 1 cucchiaio
sale q.b.
pepe q.b.
Place a fairly large frying pan on the stove and heat theoil, and the clove ofgarlic, which you will remove after it has browned.
Then add anchovies that have been desalted and previously pounded in a mortar or finely chopped.
As soon as the anchovies dissolve, add the pitted olives cut in half, the roughly chopped capers, and… Read more
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