Lasagna Antica Madia

by Martina Tedesco

Preparation Time

Preparation Time

1h 30m
Cook time

Cook time

0h 30m
Ingredients for

Ingredients for

4 people


soya gialla 500 g

alloro 1 foglia

zucca 750 g

olio extravergine di oliva un filo

peperoncino 1

pecorino toscano DOP stagionato 100 g

lasagne all’uovo 250 g

spezzatino biologico di soya 200 g

sale q.b.

The day before preparation, soak the soybeans in water.
The next day, drain it and boil it for 45′ in a pressure cooker (or an hour and a half in a traditional pot), with plenty of lightly salted water.
During this time, peel the squash, remove the seeds and filaments, and cube it.
Heat the oil and sauté the finely sliced chili pepper, then add the squash and stew it until soft.
Once the soybeans are also cooked, drain them with a razor blade, reserving the cooking water, add them to the pumpkin and sauté them on the heat for a few minutes to add flavor.
Using an immersion blender, reduce the vegetables to a puree, adding a little of the soy cooking water to make a smooth (but not too smooth) mixture, adjust the salt and set aside.
Grate the pecorino cheese.
Cook the lasagna according to the instructions on the package, drain, and begin to compose the terrine: in a lightly greased oven dish, arrange a layer of lasagna, top it with some of the yellow cream, spread a generous spoonful of the stew and a sprinkling of pecorino cheese on top, like this until all the ingredients are used up.

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